Almost fatal February.

This will be a very short write up for reasons you will see!

February starts with me walking down to peg 10 at Bowood, setting up the pike rod and getting a call from my wife that my son had taken a turn for the worst and as an “at risk” with us as his support bubble, I quickly packed up got back home unloaded the car and then loaded the car with what we would need in Birmingham, by midday we were at his place in Birmingham. To cut a long story short the next week was spent sleeping on his floor, shopping for food and caring for him. Fortunately it was not the serious flare up that could only be treated in hospital and after discussions and visit to the GP/hospital it was decided it was safer to treat at home with antibiotics and close monitoring. Luckily it worked out okay and with a week gone we felt confident enough to return home.

The Wednesday was my first opportunity to go to Bowood so peg 10 was tackled starting at 9am and had my first bite at 11:30 a small roach, two more came along by 12 and I missed a run on the pike run when I packed up. The weather and other things got in the way so it was not until Tuesday 16th that I planned to go again. Woke up on the Tuesday and had a shooting pain in my left shoulder, no way I could move easily let alone hold a rod or pole – ibuprofen taken and a day in doors in some discomfort!

Wednesday the shoulder had eased and my midday seemed fine. Thursday got into the car to do the weekly shop and felt my back twinge on the right side, by the evening I was in a lot of pain and unable to eat or sleep. Friday contacted doctor who suspected kidney stones, referred to Chippenham Hospital for second opinion/possible treatment, telephone call from doctor there suggested to go to A&E Swindon, I couldn’t drive and wait for ambulance was 3-4 hours, so booked taxi and 10 minutes later on way to Swindon.

To cut a long story short- collapsed in Swindon, scan showed a big clot, so was sent to Gloucester in ambulance, arrived and rushed up to intensive care, more scans showed it was getting worse, they decided to undergo an emergency procedure usually used on stab victims but were unsure if it would be possible because of where issue was. 1am Saturday they phoned my wife to tell her and said she should be prepared for the worst. Three hours on the operating table, back into intensive care. Returned home late Thursday, very tired, weak, sore and VERY relieved. Writing this has knackered me so will leave it there, no fishing for foreseeable future but targeting June if I am still on path to recovery. Catch plenty of fish for me!